Family of Abram^6 Van Wicklin
Abram^6 Van Wicklin (Garret^5, Paul^4, Garret^3,
Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), b. 1787, Dutchess, NY
Married: Elizabeth Carr, (b. 23 Nov 1788,
Schodack, Rensselaer, New York) before 1807
1. Polly^7 Van Wicklin, (b. 1807, Cramahe, Ont., Canada)
2. Joseph^7 Van Wicklin, (b. abt. 1810, Cramahe, Ont., Canada)
3. David^7 W. Van Wicklin, (b. abt. 1815, Cramahe, Ont., Canada)
4. Phebe^7 Van Wicklin, (b. 1819, Cramahe, Ont, Canada)
5. Prudence^7 Van Wicklin (b. 1822, Cramahe, Ont, Canada)
6. Gilbert^7 Van Wicklin (b. 22 September 1827, Cramahe, Ont, Canada)
(There is a possibility that some
of alleged sons of Abram and Elizabeth may actually be sons of Cornelius
[Abram's uncle])
Note: That Polly, Phebe, and Prudence are daughters of Abram and Elizabeth Van Wicklin is a certainty. These three children
met untimely deaths at the ages of 25, 11, and 8 respectively as indicated by their grave markers in the Carr Cemetery in Cramahe
township. Their markers indicate that they are the daughters of Abram and Elizabeth. The listing of Joseph, David, and Gilbert as
sons of Abram and Elizabeth is conjecture based upon an 1871 Ontario Census listing for East Elgin, Ontario. The census lists
David Vanwicklin (age 56) as the head of household with wife, Christiana (age 58). Below them are listed in this order: Abram
(age 78), Caroline (age 27), Mary (age 24), David (age 18), Joseph (age 61), and Gilbert (age 43). Abram is the right age to be the
son of Garret^5 (born abt 1792), and Joseph and Gilbert have ages that would make them probable sons of Abram. It is also
difficult to see how that could be placed in any other Canadian Van Wicklin family at that time. However, more documentation is
needed to confirm or deny the placement of these three men.) The Caroline listed above is likely the one for whom there is a death
registration: Caroline Van Wicklin, 20 November 1908 Malahide Twp, Ontario.
1877 map of Conc. 11, Lot 12 (50 acres) in Malahide Twp, Elgin County, Ontario, Can -- belonging to David Van Wicklin

Abram's parents are Garret and Rachel (Frost) Van Wicklin
Elizabeth's parents are John and Marie Annetye [Van Wickley] Carr.
Background information:
Abram^6 Van Wicklen (Garret^5, Paul^4, Garret^3,
Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) was b. about 1787 in Dutchess County, New York. He married Elizabeth
Carr (b. 23 Nov 1788, Schodack, Rensselaer, NY, christened 5 Jan 1789 [same
location], and d. Elgin, Ontario) before 1807 and they had three daughters, Polly, Phebe, and Prudence who all died
within 2 years of each other at the respective ages of 25, 11, and 8. Abram and Elizabeth's three daughters are buried in the
Carr family cemetery along with Abram's parents, Garret and Rachel.
According to William Gray (see sources below), Abraham, Cornelius, and John Van Wickler were privates in the Upper
Canadian Militia (1812-1815) listed in the District of Newcastle, 1st Northumberland, 1st and 2nd Flank Companies. This
reference is almost certainly to this Abram Van Wicklin and his brother, Cornelius. The "John Van Wickler" may be another
brother, not yet identified, or a cousin.
Archives of Ontario -- MS522 Abram Van Wicklin - Rogers
Papers... and 1824 letter from Abram Van Wicklin of Cramahe to Col. Richard
Bullock asking to be excused from training this year (4/23/24)
(Death registrations have been located for an Abraham Van
Wicklin, 29 December 1899 St. Thomas and for an Elizabeth Van Wicklin, 18 April 1879 in Springfield, Ontario which is in Elgin County due west of St. Thomas. It is doubtful that the Abraham is this Abram b. in 1792 as it would
make him 107 at the time of his death...but perhaps it is a son or grandson. More likely this may be the Elizabeth in that she would have been in her
80s at time of death. Actual location of the death certificates could be very helpful if these list parents, dob or other identifying information.
Information provided by Marg Trottman Graham, 20 Feb 2002)
Children: (See note above.) Polly^7 Van Wicklin was b. 1807, Cramahe, Ont., Canada and d. (Cramahe) 17 September 1832. Joseph^7 Van Wicklin was b. abt. 1810, Cramahe, Ont., Canada and was in Elgin, Ontario at the time of the 1871 census.
David^7 W. Van Wicklin was b. abt. 1815, Cramahe, Ont., Canada and was in Elgin, Ontario as a "head of household" by the
1871 Ontario census. David d. 25 April 1894 in St. Thomas, Ont., CAN. He married Christiana
Van Slyke and they had several
children. Christine d. 10 January 1903 in Malahide Twp., Ontario. Phebe^7 Van Wicklin
was b. 1819, Cramahe, Ont, Canada and d. 14 October 1830. Prudence^7 Van Wicklin was b. 1822, Cramahe, Ont, Canada and d. 24 March 1830.
Gilbert^7 Van Wicklin was b. 22 Sep 1827, Cramahe,
Ont, and d. 31 March 1909 in Malahide Twp., Ontario. He was in Elgin, Ontario at the time of
the 1871 Ontario census.
Alymer Express - died, 15 April 1909, Gilbert Van Wicklin, age
83, uncle of Mrs. R. Vanslyke, courtesy Georgi Sills, via
1 May 06 email)
Received from Judy Houston (in email dated 18 July 2000), the following surrogate court record on David and Christiana Van
Wicklin: David Van Wicklin of Malahide, Elgin, Ontario, d. 26 April 1883; Surrogate court file #1088; Elgin County Microfilm #1384;
no will; petitioner and wife was Christiana Van Wicklin.
1842 Census for Canada West,
NewCastle District, Northumberland County, Cramahe Twp, LDS Film #2812226 lists
Abram Van Wicklin, 3 British Canadian, 2 US, 40 years in
province, 1 female under 5, 1 married male, 30 to 60, 1 married female 14-45.
1848 Census for Canada West,
Newcastle District, Northumberland County, Cramahe Twp lists
Abram Van Wicklin, farmer, proprietor, Lot 13, Concession 8,
occupied, 5 total residents in house when census taken, 5 no creed or
denomination, 3 natives of Canada British origin, 2 natives of US, 1 male 18-22,
single, 1 male 21-30, single, 1 male 40-60, married, 1 female 14-45, single, 1
female, 45+ married, 400 acres held, 100 acres under tillage, 60 acres wooded or
wild, 240 acres unfit for cultivation, 50% value of cleared land, 50% average
value of wild land
1851 Census for Cramahe, Canada
West lists Mary Van Wicklin, 23, b. CAN, with Herman Van
Wicklin, 5, Joseph Van Wicklin, laborer, 35, and Gilbert Van Wicklin, laborer,
27. All b. CAN
1851 legal instruments concerning Lot 13,
Concession 8 in Cramahe--land owned by Abraham and Elizabeth [Carr] Van Wicklin
-- information courtesy of Joyce Carr via
4 Sep 07 email
"Quit Claim Deed" from James D. Goslee to Abraham
Van Wicklin, giving him clear title to the 200 acres and dated March 29, 1842.
Abraham was paid 500 pounds of lawful money. David Vanwicklin signs a sworn
affidavit that he was a witness to this transaction. Registered February 15,
"Bargain and Sale" between Abram Vanwicklin and
Edward Robinson of a 4-acre piece of the 200 acres, sold for 6 pounds and dated
February 13, 1847. David Vanwicklin signs a sworn affidavit that he was a
witness to this transaction as well. Registered February 15, 1851.
"Bargain and Sale" between Abram and Ira S. Beach
of the 196 remaining acres sold for 200 pounds and dated March 14, 1851.
Abraham's signature is on this deed and for some reason, it is crossed out. Also
in this deed, Elizabeth is witnessed relinquishing her "Dower" for five
shillings. Registered April 14, 1851.
As noted by Joyce Carr, these
items indicate that:
> Abraham and Elizabeth were
alive and together in March of 1851 even though they did not show up in the 1851
Cramahe census with Joseph, Gilbert, and Mary.
>David has a close relationship
with Abraham and Elizabeth.
>Abraham and Elizabeth did not
grow wealthy in Canadian real estate. :)
1871 Census lists David Van
Wicklin (head), age 56 with wife Christiana, 58, and Abram, 78 (David's father),
Joseph, 61, and Gilbert, 43 and Mary, 24 (David's siblings) and Caroline, 27 and
David, 18 (David and Christiana's children)
1881 Census lists David Van
Wicklin (head), 66 and wife Christine, 68 and Joseph, 70 and Gilbert, 53
(David's brothers) and Abram, 37, David, 28, and Caroline, 37 (David and
Christiana's children?). Nearby are Mary (Van Wicklin) Van Slyke, age 34 and
husband Marconus Van Slyke, 32 and their daughter, Minnie Van Slyke, 9. Also
nearby are James Van Slyke, 60 and wife Catherine, 53 (parents of Marconus) and
a boarder, Joel Day, 19.
1901 Census (Georgi Sills
email of 28 July 2002) shows Mary Van Slyke (head), b. 6 June 1846, age 54; her
daughter Minnie (Van Slyke) Hashal, b. 11 August 1871, age 29; Edward Hashal, b.
15 August 1875, age 26; Anna Hashal, b. 3 July 1901, age 1; Gilbert Van Wicklin
(Mary's brother?) b. 22 September 1827, 74 in 1901.
Gray, William; Soldiers of the King: The Upper Canadian Militia 1812-1815 (xeroxed pages supplied by Marg
Graham-Trottman (June, 2000)
Archives of Toronto (Index to The Upper Canada
Land Books, Vol. 1, February 1787 to Dec 1797; Carr, John (settler) 16 Nov 1797
Book C; Volume 21, Reel C-101, page 250, Carr, John -
praying for lands as a settler. Recommended for 200 acres. Van Wickley, Paul -
praying for lands as a settler. Recommended for 200 acres. Carr, John (deceased)
Cramahe 6 Feb 1822 Book L Page 182, Petition V7... "Abram Van Wickler on
behalf of the family of the late John Carr whom he states settled on Lot No. 11
in the 8th Concession of the Township of Cramahe 20 years ago but never obtained
a deed for it, and praying that a deed for it may now issue for it to the eldest
son, Cornelius Carr who is an Idiot, in order to insure means for his support.
Referred to the Commission. Some additional entries indicate criteria for
receiving land grants. Brown, John - praying for lands as a settler. It does not
appear that the petitioner has a family, nor that he has been in the province 12
months. Baker, Elisha - praying for lands as a settler. Recommended for an
appropriation until his family is in the province. Byard, Martin - praying for
lands as a settler. Recommended for 200 acres upon his becoming a bona fide
resident." (courtesy Joyce Carr, via 18 April 2006 email)
1871 and 1881 Ontario census, courtesy Georgi Sills via email
Dunboyne Cemetery, Malahide Township, Elgin
County, Ontario, CAN includes a headstone [white marble rectangular stone, hands
shaking. At memory of ... Joseph Vanwicklin, d.
18 April 1882, age 77 years, 7 months, 4 days. (courtesy,
Georgi Sills via 1 May 06 email)
Surrogate court records File #1088, Elgin County Library Film #1384 (for death date and residence of David Van Wicklin
(received from Judy Houston by email, 18 July 2000)
Death Certificates: Information provided in 20 February 2002 email by Marg Trottman Graham)
David W. Van Wicklin 25 April 1894 St. Thomas
Abraham Van Wicklin 29 December 1899 St. Thomas
Christine Van Wicklin 10 January 1903 Malahide
Caroline Van Wicklin 20 November 1908 Malahide
Gilbert Van Wicklin 31 March 1909
Information on Mary Van Wicklin from Lorine
McGinnis Schulze via 11 July 06 email confirms that Mary Van Wicklin was the
daughter of David and Christina [Van Slyke] Van Wicklin. Lorine has done
extensive research on the Van Slyke family.